how to cancel youtube tv
Thinking of saying goodbye to YouTube TV?
Thinking of saying goodbye to YouTube TV?
Don't worry, canceling is a breeze!
Don't worry, canceling is a breeze!
We'll guide you through the steps in just 10 slides
We'll guide you through the steps in just 10 slides
Open a web browser on your computer, phone, or tablet.
Visit and sign in to your account.
Visit and sign in to your account.
It's usually in the top right corner.
Look for the "Settings" option.
Look for the "Settings" option.
There should be a section for "Membership" or "Subscription.
There should be a section for "Membership" or "Subscription.
Click on "Manage" to see your membership details.
Click on "Manage" to see your membership details.
The moment of truth - "Cancel membership
You've successfully canceled YouTube TV. Enjoy your streaming freedom!