katy perry american idol

katy perry american idol

Katy Perry looked  sleepy in a BTS video from American Idol that she posted on Instagram

The video, which was shot in black and white and showed Perry getting ready for her performance, was a behind-the-scenes look at her pre-show glam routine.

According to the singer, she had been awake since 6 AM and hadn't slept in the past day in order to go to the zoo.

Katy's video surfaced at a time when American Idol was facing criticism for the judges' perceived lack of professionalism and perceived rudeness towards the contestants.

A major change is coming to 'American Idol': for a limited time, the show's judges Katy Perry and Lionel Richie will be replaced by a popular female artist from the 90s and a well-known male pop star.

"An undisclosed 'big-time' star will temporarily replace Katy Perry on 'American Idol'."

"Ed Sheeran and Alanis Morissette will be serving as guest judges on 'American Idol,' replacing Katy Perry and Lionel Richie."

"Ed Sheeran and Alanis Morissette will be the co-judges of the coronation concert show while Perry and Lionel Richie attend and perform at King Charles III's coronation ceremony in England on Sunday."