Animal Breeder Pleads Guilty to Animal Welfare and Pollution Crimes and Will Pay More than $35M, Including Record Fine in an Animal Welfare Case

Envigo Global Services Inc. entered a guilty plea to a felony of conspiracy to knowingly violate the Clean Water Act

while Envigo RMS LLC entered a guilty plea to conspiring to violate the Animal Welfare Act.

The Justice Department obtained the surrender of more than 4,000 beagles from the Cumberland County

Virginia, dog breeding facility in 2022, which is the subject of both pleas.

The resolution calls for Inotiv, a company that includes Envigo RMS and Envigo Global Services

to guarantee payments totaling more than $35 million, submit to stricter guidelines for animal care

a compliance monitor in place. With this resolution, the biggest fine in an Animal Welfare Act case to date is recorded.

A company that raised beagles for scientific purposes admitted to

negligence and was fined a record $35 million.