when was the first camera invented

In most of human history, there were two ways to capture the world around you.

You could describe it verbally or in writing. You could also draw or paint the scene if you knew how.

Neither of the two solutions was particularly trustworthy.

It is easy for words to be distorted, and drawings take time and are highly dependent on the artist’s skill.

It is inevitable that details will be missed, lost, or warped. A way to accurately capture the world around us was needed.

It took centuries for such a technique to be discovered. Philosophers, alchemists, businessmen, spies, and fraudsters were all involved in the journey.

Around 150 years ago, mankind succeeded in drawing with light.

The technology that resulted, photography, is almost miraculous. The extent to which it has dominated modern society cannot be overstated.

We barely spare a moment to consider how it came to be and take it almost for granted.